Welcome to The Green Building Insider Blog! This blog will be your one stop to find the most up-to-date news and information pertaining to The Green Building Insider newsletter, product suite, audioconferences, events, and the most newsworthy headlines coming out of the industry.

Through our group of green building friends, we will also highlight some of the best content on the various green building weblogs around the internet, that we have already scoured and located just for you!

So, we recommend that you subscribe to this blog (which is free and requires no information on your part) with your email address or through one of the easy blog reading programs by clicking one of the links on the right hand side under the “subscribe” heading.

Keep an eye out for frequent updates and please comment because we love your feedback and want to build the very best green building community that we can. Our aim is to attract the very best green buiding construction professionals worldwide to learn, share, and network with each other through us. To do that we need your participation! If something grabs you or we get something wrong, COMMENT! This blog is as much yours as it is ours, and we will never censor your comments (unless of course they are obscene).

So, on that note, welcome everyone and we look forward to participating with you as we build this site up to be the best green building publication, network, and community on the web.


The Green Building Insider Team